Episode 5

Answer the question.

W/C 8th February 2021

You know how sometimes you watch a film, or finish a book and you just can't escape its grasp. You keep coming back to it, days after it should have faded from the forefront of your conscious.

Tenet is one of those films.

It's got that thing going on that The Usual Suspects had, whereupon every time you reflect on what you have seen, your understanding of the story changes, as another piece of what you perceived to be true is unpicked.


Oh, and the title this week refers to a pet frustration I have with regard to PMQs, but it's also a great excuse to listen back to a bit of Mostly Autumn.

Stay safe.

Answer the Question - Mostly Autumn


The Prime Minsters - Iain Dale

The Prime Ministers - Nick RobinsonInstagram



About the Podcast

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Therapy For Me

About your host

Profile picture for Anthony Short

Anthony Short

I have been tinkering with audio since my mid-teens, recording songs & producing content for friends.

Post university I embraced the world of retail, firstly in supermarkets and later in & around the music instrument industry.

After 20 years or so, I took a sideways step into podcasting and began a venture called ashortstories, which helps in the development & production of podcasts for anyone that has a story to tell.