Episode 43

Hope for the Future

W/C 19th October 2020

Week 3 for October and it is a Red Week.

If you haven't heard me talk about this, then I will explain. When I edit TFM I use one session to arrange all the episodes in a month. Each track is an individual week and I colour code the tracks, so week 1 is lime, week 2 is blue, week 3 is red and week 4 is pink.

And for the last couple of months life has been imitating art, as I have been finding the podcasts on week 2 a little down & blue, and the ones in week 3 a little red & ranty.

All can say is that I really tried this week, knowing it was a red week. And it was all going really well, what with an overdue debate about Halloween in a time of COVID, the pleasant surprise of a long lost pocket and Educating Yorkshire I thought I was over the hump.

And then Thursday came a knocking...

Stay safe.

P.S #showusyourcuppa

Educating Yorkshire

Marcus Rashford Twitter




About the Podcast

Show artwork for Therapy For Me
Therapy For Me

About your host

Profile picture for Anthony Short

Anthony Short

I have been tinkering with audio since my mid-teens, recording songs & producing content for friends.

Post university I embraced the world of retail, firstly in supermarkets and later in & around the music instrument industry.

After 20 years or so, I took a sideways step into podcasting and began a venture called ashortstories, which helps in the development & production of podcasts for anyone that has a story to tell.