Episode 33

Miss you.

W/C 23rd August 2021

Back home, back at my desk and back to something like a routine. Don't get me wrong I have pushed back against it more than a little but over the course of the week things have started to slot back into place, back into order.

The weird thing is that I think I need routine to make sense of the day-to-day, so I don't understand why the post holiday moment is such a thing for me.

I could have picked plenty of tracks for Charlie, but I went with the obvious one because it is such a unique sounding track.

Stay safe.

Miss You - The Rolling Stones




About the Podcast

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Therapy For Me

About your host

Profile picture for Anthony Short

Anthony Short

I have been tinkering with audio since my mid-teens, recording songs & producing content for friends.

Post university I embraced the world of retail, firstly in supermarkets and later in & around the music instrument industry.

After 20 years or so, I took a sideways step into podcasting and began a venture called ashortstories, which helps in the development & production of podcasts for anyone that has a story to tell.