Episode 2

Old friends

W/C 20th January 2025

I just need to accept the inevitability of not sleeping when I arrive here.

But no, for the first two nights I tried to outwit my old LA nemesis by every single combination of pillow and bedding known to man, in the vain hope that I would unlock the mystical elixir of deep and unbroken sleep.

You are aware in an instant, on awaking at 03:17, that sleep as an option has been pulled from the menu, so why would I believe that having one foot out from under the covers and one of the pillows folded double will somehow make a difference.

I tend to give up just after five, and pop the coffee machine on.

Stay safe.

Old Friends - Simon & Garfunkel

Redondo Beach Pier

Therapy For Me (or TFM as I now refer to it) is a bit of an audio curiosity. It started out as a mechanism for me to clear my head, with the hope that by saying stuff out loud it would act as a little bit of self-help. It's remains loose in style, fluid in terms of content and raw - it's a one take, press record and see what happens, affair.

If you want to keep in touch with TFM and the other stuff I do then please follow me on Facebook, Insta, Twitter or Patreon. Thanks for getting this far.

About the Podcast

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Therapy For Me

About your host

Profile picture for Anthony Short

Anthony Short

I have been tinkering with audio since my mid-teens, recording songs & producing content for friends.

Post university I embraced the world of retail, firstly in supermarkets and later in & around the music instrument industry.

After 20 years or so, I took a sideways step into podcasting and began a venture called ashortstories, which helps in the development & production of podcasts for anyone that has a story to tell.