Episode 12
Two steps behind.
W/C 3rd April 2023
With the very best of intentions, and working to the boundaries of my abilities, some weeks I am just going to be late.
And so it is for this easter episode of TFM.
The recording went OK and the QC listen proceeded without a hitch. But due to a Saturday morning School Governors commitment - and the need to get a run in before I set off - the actual publishing and note writing didn't get done.
All I can do is apologise and promise to be better in the future.
Stay safe.
Two Steps Behind - Def Leppard
Therapy For Me (or TFM as I now refer to it) is a bit of an audio curiosity. It started out as a mechanism for me to clear my head, with the hope that by saying stuff out loud it would act as a little bit of self-help. It's remains loose in style, fluid in terms of content and raw - it's a one take, press record and see what happens, affair.
If you want to keep in touch with TFM and the other stuff I do then please follow me on Facebook, Insta, Twitter or Patreon. Thanks for getting this far.