Episode 49
Wrapped up in time
W/C 18th December 2023
I wonder if TFM is getting a little stale.
It is difficult because of the very nature of this podcast to know if it has become stuck in a bit of a rut, and although there is kind of natural progression inherent in it's DNA it was never a story that had a obvious and unfolding dramatic arc.
It still works for me, and I still enjoy sitting down for 20-25 minutes every week and capturing whatever I have collided with that week, so I guess I am thinking about where you are at with TFM and if it still piques your interest.
But, if I am being truly honest, am I just being a bit self-indulgent. If it works for you, you will listen and if it doesn't you won't and isn't that just exactly how it should be. And the answer is of course a resounding yes, so less stuck in a rut and more a needle dropped delicately into the groove.
Right moment over, nothing to see here - as you were...
Stay safe.
Wrapped up in Time - Marillion
A Christmas Carol read by Patrick Stewart
Therapy For Me (or TFM as I now refer to it) is a bit of an audio curiosity. It started out as a mechanism for me to clear my head, with the hope that by saying stuff out loud it would act as a little bit of self-help. It's remains loose in style, fluid in terms of content and raw - it's a one take, press record and see what happens, affair.
If you want to keep in touch with TFM and the other stuff I do then please follow me on Facebook, Insta, Twitter or Patreon. Thanks for getting this far.